Pioneering the frontiers of OD creates new knowledge and tools. Have a look at our collection of useful resources.


Growth Mindset und soziales Lernen

Growth Mindset und soziales Lernen

As leaders, we are accustomed to quickly grasping things and, above all, developing functional solutions to problems. We tend to focus on the end result: it must fit, milestones must be met, the IT system must run, revenue must come in. However, in the art of...

The Trinity Of Leadership: Theory and Practical Benefits

The Trinity Of Leadership: Theory and Practical Benefits

This week of our countdown to 2023 we offer you to take a deeper look into what kind of leader you are – the end of the year is ideal to also reflect on that. Being a leader is an incredibly complex role, one that requires not just high performance and the ability to...

Upgrade your team – road to Team Excellence

Upgrade your team – road to Team Excellence

THE CP TEAM EXCELLENCE ASSESSMENT AND REPORT As a leader your are getting paid for enabling your team to achieve results and thrive. But how do you establish a shared responsibility in your (leadership) team? Team resonsibility is often understood only as the vertical...

Conflicts in executive teams – the road to Team Excellence

Conflicts in executive teams – the road to Team Excellence

by Andreas Müller - Head of Change Pioneers USA More and more companies are realizing that high performing executive teams are the backbones of any successful company. A cohesive management team is one of the last untapped resources and potential for many...

#CPTalk: Compatibility of Career, Private Life & Family

#CPTalk: Compatibility of Career, Private Life & Family

The live panel discussion will go in between the in-between of the topic of “Compatibility of career, private life and family” addressing questions like: How much is life and our life pursuit still dominated by “work”?

Stress in the brain: on the neurobiology of resistance

Stress in the brain: on the neurobiology of resistance

Why do people have such a hard time processing change? The answer gives a clue as to how we can proceed to achieve greater willingness to change. From a biological point of view, unwillingness to change is the most natural thing in the world. It is even a guarantee for our survival.

od theory

#ODQuarterly: Change Management Diagnostics

#ODQuarterly: Change Management Diagnostics

The live webinar gives a use-case of contemporary change architecture, how to interlink it with change diagnostic and we will deep dive on the “Change Eye” – an easy-to-use tool which shows how people affected feel about a change project.


Circular Economy / Meet the start-ups: Frank Thomsen von Manyfolds

Circular Economy / Meet the start-ups: Frank Thomsen von Manyfolds

The need to act in an economically sustainable way is growing day by day. Nevertheless, although we are rationally aware of the consequences of our behavior, we are very slow when it comes to changing our old behavior patterns. That's why we at Change Pioneers are...

Warum es uns so schwer fällt, nachhaltig zu leben.

Warum es uns so schwer fällt, nachhaltig zu leben.

Wie können wir nachhaltiger leben - sowohl auf der Ebene von Organisationen als auch auf der persönlichen Ebene? Wie können wir uns von den alten Mustern befreien, die uns als Gesellschaft nicht mehr dienen? Gerade in der heutigen Zeit gewinnt dieses Thema immer mehr...

#CPTalk: Compatibility of Career, Private Life & Family

#CPTalk: Compatibility of Career, Private Life & Family

The live panel discussion will go in between the in-between of the topic of “Compatibility of career, private life and family” addressing questions like: How much is life and our life pursuit still dominated by “work”?

team building & team assesment

Hey Team, Let’s Talk About the Power of Direction

Hey Team, Let’s Talk About the Power of Direction

Without force and direction, no object can move in space. However, many teams have an incredible amount of force and energy, but lack direction. Wild actionism, tons of reports, and Steer-Cos are rampant. To achieve success, teams need a shared understanding and...

Hey Team, let’s talk about team excellence

Hey Team, let’s talk about team excellence

The ultimate goal of Team Excellence is to develop shared responsibility within the team. Often responsibility in a team is understood only as vertical or functional responsibility. For example, the head of marketing reports about marketing topics, and the project...

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