We are passionate about creating future-fit companies while facilitating sustainable change and cultivating teams and organisations grounded in purpose.

our purpose

Transformation – both organisational and personal – is a task that is not only high in complexity but also high in risk. How do you manage this in a way that is not only sustainable and impactful, but also not uproot your existing structures entirely?

Change Pioneers offers an unprecedented solution: a global ecosystem that brings under one roof top senior-level OD experts, change facilitators and reputable organizations, grounded in a shared purpose – helping organizations prepare for the world of tomorrow.

We offer an integrated human-first approach: recognizing the primary value of people in moving organisations forward.
We work with evidence-based practice: using neuroscientific findings to create solid ground rules for change and transformation.

We are committed to co-creating a sustainable tomorrow: supporting the transition towards a circular economy, as well as facilitating long-term impact on all organisational levels.

our peer producers

our peer partners

our ecosystem

Pioneering the fronteers of od

The ecosystem manifests itself in continuously learning and growing together on the ground of shared values and a common purpose. To allow for organic growth and evolution, we are adopting principles of sociocracy. This means that we are having small, self-organised and independent circles for different functions or topics. A representation of those circles in an overall “growth circle” allows for coordinated action and behaviour. As we go forward new circles can be added – or completely new organisations can sprout from the existing one. In this way we assure that we stay adaptable, efficient and future-fit.

WOULD LIKE TO join the ecosystem? apply here: