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#ODQuarterly: Change Management Diagnostics

#ODQuarterly: Change Management Diagnostics

The live webinar gives a use-case of contemporary change architecture, how to interlink it with change diagnostic and we will deep dive on the “Change Eye” – an easy-to-use tool which shows how people affected feel about a change project.

#CPTalk: Compatibility of Career, Private Life & Family

#CPTalk: Compatibility of Career, Private Life & Family

The live panel discussion will go in between the in-between of the topic of “Compatibility of career, private life and family” addressing questions like: How much is life and our life pursuit still dominated by “work”?

Stress in the brain: on the neurobiology of resistance

Stress in the brain: on the neurobiology of resistance

Why do people have such a hard time processing change? The answer gives a clue as to how we can proceed to achieve greater willingness to change. From a biological point of view, unwillingness to change is the most natural thing in the world. It is even a guarantee for our survival.