A (virtual) team workshop to clarify roles and expectations at the management level.
Siemens Healthineers AG I LEAdership I 2021
THE challenge
In a face-to-face workshop, roles and expectations at the management level were meant to be clarified. Preparatory interviews with the participants determined the status quo and served to develop the workshop content. Due to Corona, the workshop with over 20 participants was switched to virtual on an ad hoc basis.
For us as Change Pioneers, the challenge was to translate our skills into the virtual realm as quickly and pragmatically as possible, without losing what we believe constitutes good moderation: building human connections and closeness and developing an understanding of one another. With the right virtual tools, it was quickly forgotten that we “only” meet online at the moment.
The clarification of roles and expectations could be achieved wonderfully through a virtual change of perspective, in which the participants “put themselves in the shoes” of the other and were thus able to really empathize with the situation of their colleagues for the first time. This process moved us as moderators as much as it moved the participants themselves.
the result
The participants have clarified their roles and expectations, developed mutual understanding, and seen and understood their colleagues with all their motives, challenges, and strengths. All this after two only 4.5-hour sessions.
client’s point of view
„Vielen Dank für die Gestaltung des Workshops in einem virtuellen Format. Alle Teilnehmer waren erstaunt und erfreut, wie gut und schnell wir trotz der heiklen Themen vom Problemmodus in eine gemeinsame Lösungsfindung gekommen sind. Aus meiner Sicht ein voller Erfolg – vielen Dank für Ihre professionelle Begleitung.“
– Uwe Brög, Personalleiter Deutschland, Siemens Healthineers AG