Upgrade your team – road to Team Excellence


As a leader your are getting paid for enabling your team to achieve results and thrive. But how do you establish a shared responsibility in your (leadership) team?

Team resonsibility is often understood only as the vertical or functional responsibility. Which is already a lot. This leads often to a lot of operational topics in (leadership) team meetings. But the element of shared responsibility, of vertical alignment where it is about strategic and longterm topics, about aligment and coordination is often overlooked. The Change Pioneers Team Excellence Assessment combines all the success factors of major High Performing Team models (Lencioni, Hackman Model of Team Effectiveness, Katzenback and Smith Model) together with own practical experience. Listen to our Bernd Zimmermann, Managing Partner with Change Pioneers and former Global Head of Organization Development & Innovation for Siemens Healthineers, explains the Change Pioneers Team Excellence framework and how to obtain your free personal assessment and report:

If you want to develop your team and create a shared resonsibility start with our free: Change Pioneers Team Excellence Assessment

This is an assessment to be filled out by a team leader: The questions are based on the Change Pioneers framework to measure shared (leadership) team performance. It is not targeting the functional responsibilities of an individual team member or her/his organization but aiming at the horizontal alignment within your team. After you completed the assessment, you will get your free report within 7 days.

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